Exploring or returning to the Catholic Faith can be complicated - where do you start?
Wherever you are on your journey, we are here to help, not to give advice but to listen and offer some next steps.
Our helpline is completely confidential and our call handlers are all trained listeners.
When you call, you will be directly connected with one of our team. You can remain anonymous and do not have to give your name if that helps.
You can share for as long as you need and will be listened to.
You can ask any questions about the Catholic faith, the church, God and life. Our listeners are prepared to deal with all questions and are non-judgemental, you really can ask anything.
We will always try and offer helpful next steps and connections that can help you to keep moving forward on your journey.
That’s why we create spaces where people can be heard, so that they can explore what’s important to them and together we can find the way forward.
You can give as little or as much information as you choose and should you wish to remain anonymous, that is also fine.
You can talk about anything which you are concerned about, for example returning to the Church, loneliness, psychological issues, marital problems, family problems. However, Catholic Listeners are bound by law to report any safeguarding issues.
You can always ring us or leave a voicemail outside of the opening hours and a trained volunteer will call you back on the next operating day.
For ethical and safeguarding reasons, the Catholic Listeners team are not allowed to meet callers.
We know that life is hard and that experiences relating to faith and the Church can be complicated.
That’s why we create spaces where people can be heard, so that they can explore what’s important to them and together we can find the way forward.
Interested in what the Catholic faith has to say about life? We are here to help!
You can explore your questions with us over the phone or read our answers to some of our most common questions.
We know that returning to church can be complicated.
If you would like to talk to someone about this, we have created spaces where you can reconnect with your faith and the Church.